Let me preface by saying boudoir is NOT! a replacement for therapy, but holy moly can it help in the healing of one’s self esteem and finding love in the person who deserves it more than anyone else – yourself!

There are so many different facets of womanhood that include what we are to other people, wives, mothers, carers etc that sometimes we just lose sight of who we actually are. 

Our sexual identity, being seen in our own right as desirable to ourselves and the ones we choose to share life with or just the fact that our bodies change continually as we age, give birth, experience illnesses, trauma, menopause and we are trying to accept and love those changes.

 So when I say boudoir is empowering, that even if you’re doing this shoot for someone else, it truly impacts the relationship you have with your body and assists in healing parts of you you’re trying to accept.

 I have been photographing the women of Canberra for almost 10 years now, it is a privilege that these beautiful women allow me into this vulnerable space they hold with their bodies, that trust me to guide them through their shoot right through to the end result of their images.

 Boudoir is less about lingerie and more about outfits that personally make you feel good. It just so happens a lot of women want to feel beautiful in lingerie, they want to take themselves out of the roles they play in their lives and just connect to who they feel they are inside. 

 Our bodies have been through some shit and fuck it!  We might just love looking good in something sexy.

When Mark Darcy said ‘Just as you are’