Holly is a Photographer based in Canberra.

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Chaos! Absolutely effing chaos! But I wouldnt be me without that bit of crazy now would I?

I could tell you here that I've shot boudoir specifically for 7 years, that I have a bunch of kids and that old school RNB is my jam when shooting BUT!!! What I think you really need to know about me is the WHY!

Shooting intimate empowering portraits of women heals me!
Heals a lifetime of trying to be prettier, thinner, more likeable, popular and all those other damn things in between. You know what im talking about right? That somewhere along the way we were told we were less than, that a boy wouldn't like us if we were too loud or dressed too slutty.

My work is saying a big FUCK YOU to anyone that ever made you feel like you were too extra, that your body wasn't yours and lastly for you to walk away with a new found love for yourself.